Sarko undeniably represents a
formidable obstacle to Mme Royal's hopes of becoming the first female
But just how formidable is becoming increasingly tricky to gauge as the
Ségo phenomenon continues to achieve the improbable - making French
politics interesting outside France in what is still a non-election
year. International attention packs little electoral muscle, of course.
Yet even that works both ways; a lot of the overseas support for Sarko
tends to come from the sort of conservatives from whom millions of
French voters would run a kilometre or two.
At home, Sarko plainly has work to do, and an illuminating vox pop in Le Figaro
offers a little advice on how he should treat a lady when that lady
stands between him and the Elysée.
The paper canvassed the views of several prominent females from the
party and the responses revealed hints of anxiety that M Sarkozy's
tendency to shoot first and reflect later may cost him votes.
"Nicolas must take care not to be aggressive, but to tackle her ideas
and not the person," warned Isabelle Debré, a UMP senator. "The
slightest gesture could be raise charges of misogyny."
Arlette Franco, from the western Pyrénées, wanted to see more of a side
to Sarko that we generally encounter only when he is having one of his
marital reconciliations.
"He needs to offer reassurance, to show himself to be warm, human and
interested in social questions as well as security," she said.
Another Arlette - Grosskost,
from Haut-Rhin - suggested that Sarko should surround himself with more
women, lighten his hard-line image and acknowledge that Mme Royal's
appeal by-passed political logic.
And a Parisian MP, Martine Aurillac, went so far as to offer the sort
of counsel even France's macho hommes politiques would consider patronising: "Don't launch into discussions that are too technical, statistical, complicated."
Her theme was taken up by Valérie Pécresse,
spokesman for the centre-Right UMP party of which Sarko is president.
Confronting a female opponent, she said, was to be engaged not in a
classic clash of forces but in a clash of conviction.
"You have to address the people in very simple terms," she said, while
adding loyally that Sarko understood this parfaitement.
The subtext of all this is clear enough. Sarko may be capable
of tearing Ségo apart in contentious debate, but should weigh up whether it would actually do him much good?
We know
Mme Royal has so far shown little substance to go with the lashings of
style, a point of view that surfaced in France long before it became a
British media cliché.
It has done her little damage in the polls. One of my own human
barometers of middle France opinion, a middle-aged, mid-management bank
employee (and typical UMP voter) living in the provinces, summed it up
quite neatly.
"You say we don't know what she stands for, that she is woolly on the
main issues," he said. "I think that's part of what the French like
about her. There's less to be scared of."
Sarko profits this week from a flurry of attention surrounding his
announcement. But unless Ségo commits some appalling gaffe in Lebanon,
Israel or the Palestinian territories, she stands a good chance of
bagging at least equal airtime and headlines for the right reasons.
Adding a thought after the event, it is even possible to say
that when the gaffe came - failing to slap down a Hizbollah attempt to
equate Israel with the Nazis - she and her supporters performed some
smart wriggling.
We should all stand by, I'd guess, for a little more evidence of Ségo
steel in the coming weeks and months, and for the odd sign of a
mellower Sarko.
He may have taken heed of those female colleagues already. The famous
promise of "rupture" - implying a complete break with failed policies
of France's recent past, however this might enrage surly unions and
those desperate to cling to outdated privilege - has already been
watered down.
Now, he says, it will be a "peaceful rupture".
Labels: election, Elysée, Hizbollah, Le Figaro, Parti Socialiste, president, Sarkozy, Ségolène, UMP
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