One colleague offered a refinement of my position: "Agreed a journo should never sue. Unless he's absolutely sure of winning."
I thought of that while reflecting on whether to put up a little badge in my right hand sidebar to mark an out-of-the-blue award from The Rising Blogger for my posting of yesterday about the bizarre case of the pub, the church and French justice.
Wasn't it only five minutes ago I was wittering on about how I felt slightly uncomfortable about bloggers making awards to bloggers and then encouraging them to nominate other bloggers for similar recognition? It had the whiff of those old chain letters, I suggested.
It was all light hearted, though one or two readers took it more seriously and rebuked me gently for not entering into the spirit of things.
But that is not why I have succumbed to the attractions of the awards phenomenon. Nor is the fact I have actually won something the reason, or at any rate -since it's nearly always nice to be hailed a winner - the sole reason.
I did so to give me an excuse to draw your attention to the article I recommended in turn for a Rising Blogger award. You'll find it at The Other Side of Paris. I declare the interest that this blog is the work of a friend and former colleague. But it is a warm, amusing and generally delightful piece of writing that deserves a wider audience.
It may be that my knowledge of the writer, and of the newspaper and individuals he describes, has coloured my view. I like to think not, while accepting that strangers are perhaps better placed to judge. But for now, I shall say: "Arise Dumdad, you're a star.''
And only later will I decide the should-it-stay-or-should-it-go fate of my own winner's badge.
ps...later has arrived. The badge has gone for ever, except from this post
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