Not everyone in the world is especially interested in the press in general, or The National in particular. But I hope I may be permitted my moments of excitement after being involved for the first time in my career in a newspaper launch.
There is so much else to read at the Salut! group of websites, by simple navigation here or at Salut! North, Salut! Live and Salut! Sunderland, that I feel entitled to feel that plenty of options are available. Poor old Salut! North with its tales of life - my life - in the North East of England, could actually do with a hint of the readership levels enjoyed by the other three.
But please do not expect, today of all days, Salut! proper to offer thoughts on France or any of the other subjects that so often occupy its pages.
When I left the printing plant at 1.30am, copies of the Business and Sport sections were still streaming off the press. Printing of the main part of the paper began when I was asleep, and my first sight of the finished product came when I returned to the works a little before eight o'clock this morning.
The copy you see in the picture is that main section, held by my colleagues Maha Elhami, the editorial assistant, and (right) one of our reporters, Haneen Dajani. Click on the photo for a better view.
I wish to place on record here at Salut! my profound gratitude to all those at The National who have worked so hard during the past weeks and months to make our launch a success.
There were moments of exhilaration, and of frustration, throughout yesterday and into the night. Others will judge how well, in the end, we fared. But now we simply have to start all over again, for there is tomorrow's paper to produce.
I am not sure how I have managed to snatch the time even to post these few thoughts. In due course, I will make other pictures available. And do not forget, if you are interested, that The National has a website so you can take a look at the results of our labours wherever you are.
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