These pictures tell only a small - and early - part of the story of our preparations for the very first edition of The National, the new daily newspaper published in Abu Dhabi, capital of the United Arab Emirates.
.....but if you come back some time later, I will tell you more about our day.
What you see so far is a group of page editors (a bit like sub-editors but explaining the distinctions would take for ever), my colleagues Rym Tina Ghazal, left, Rasheed Abou-Alsamh and Tala al Ramahi and, below, our editor, Martin Newland (the one who looks a little like Clark Kent), taking the morning news conference.
And finally, for now, this is what old-fashioned hacks (I plead guilty) call the news desk, but the new paper calls its national desk. Matt Slater, national editor, is seen on the right at the news conference and the last picture shows his deputy, Gregg Fray, deep in discussion about what to order for lunch. Both Matt and Gregg have played blinders in the run-up to launch, but then so have a lot of people.
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