STOP PRESS: the first buyer of this Salut! mug declares himself fully satisfied - except that as an old sub-editor, he'd have appreciated a couple of typos to permit a whinge about sloppy reporters - so other orders will be shipped soon.
It would perhaps have been wise to stay in France until this was resolved. Instead, I am leaving the country, though there should be no need to alert Interpol.
Salut! is off for a long weekend in Rome (see next posting) and will not be around to answer questions, post articles or - indeed - sell mugs. What you see above is, as has been explained, no more than a rough representation of the product I am buying and selling, which will have the three lines of text in descending order of font size.
I am grateful to those who have placed orders for Salut! mugs already.
Only one has so far been sent to the buyer, which is why a short delay is being experienced by others. I had to design the mug online, giving specific instructions - the font style - which could not be reflected in any image available to me from the supplier.
Although I asked to be sent a photograph of the finished product, this request was overlooked until the item had been posted. It was then too late.
I want to be sure that it looks as I wanted it to look before placing the further orders. I have asked the intended recipient of that first mug to let me know what he thinks of it. Once happy that my design instructions have been followed, the other orders will be met.
If, on the other hand, you are impatient to place an order - and feel satisfied that no mug will be sent that does not conform to the standards I have set - this is the procedure:
Please buy if the mugs, as shown subject to the modifications described, appeal to you. Every order will help ...
Option one: use this button if you purchasing in the UK - in which case postage is free - whether you are paying via Paypal or with a credit/debit card or bank account
Option Two: European Community (postage shows as nil, but the prices have been adjusted to include £3 for the first item, £2 for each subsequent item) ...
Option three; rest of the World. Again the postage has been included in the adjusted prices (£4.50 for first item, £3 for each subsequent one, so that the box marked postage says zero:
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