The weekend arrests in France will have come as no surprise to Latifa Ibn Ziaten, a woman living on the outskirts of Rouen to whom I spoke more than once last week.
Latifa's son, Imad, a serving French soldier, was shot dead by Mohamed Merah in March, the first victim in that grotesque series of shootings that also claimed the lives of three children, the father of two of them and two other soldiers.
Bear in mind that Latifa knows better than most that when Merah claimed to have acted in the name of Islam, he was speaking rubbish. Unfortunately, she also formed a clear view after her son's death that France was perfectly capable of producing more Merahs. This is how I reported a brave and dignified woman's combat for The National, Abu Dhabi (published the same day that French police arrested 12 terror suspects and killed their alleged ringleader) ...
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