This is what Jason Seiken, editor-in-chief of the Telegraph, said, according to the Press Gazette:
I strongly believe that, in the long run, quality journalism wins.
And this is how his words translated into action:
A number of quality journalists were summarily booted out.
They included Ben Brogan, with whom I would probably never agree politically but who is a brilliant observer of life at Westminster.
And Neil Tweedie, a master of the trade of reporting and news feature writing.
But don't worry: the Telegraph promises to recruit a "new cross-functional team of journalists, engineers, and designers".
Out of the loop, I am unfamiliar with the other departures that will make room for all these engineers.
But it is clear I may have to revise the piece I wrote here some time ago praising aspects of way the paper had progressed since doing away with me. This is how it looked in Dec 2009:
* NB: Telegraph Media Group increased its operating profit by £2.7m to £61.2m in 2013, making it by far the most profitable of the UK's 'quality' newspaper titles. (Press Gazette, May 31 2014)
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