The little Salut! empire likes to keep things broadly in boxes. That translates as not too much here about Sunderland AFC or the folk stuff at Salut! Live, and hardly ever anything about poor, neglected Salut! North.
But I know some people who come here quite regularly have a soft spot for chanson Française, whether in its old-fashioned form (Aznavour, Distel, Trenet) or relatively modern refinements (for example Gainsbourg and Biolay). Some of you even like Johnny Hallyday (actually, so do I on selected items).
With that in mind, let me offer two articles of interest at one of the afore-mentioned sites.
* A long but utterly fascinating (for me) read from Leon Rosselson on French song, principally on Georges Brassens but touching on Jacques Brel, Léo Ferré, Anne Sylvestre and - because of the (Jewish) author's anti-Israeli stance - that rather enduring Middle Eastern conflict. Go to this link
* My own minor tribute to advances in modern French music, citing the excellent work of young people like Jain, not quite so young but still young from where I stand singers such as Imany (pictured and album available here) and the Toulouse duo Cats on Trees you may well have read about first at Salut!. Here is where you find that article
All the links you need to explore further, should you wish to, will be found at the articles I quote above.
Please give one or both a at least a quick look ...
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